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Read all you want to know about ImuPro Food Intolerance Tests below:

1 What is the difference between IgG and IgE?
IgG stands for "Immunoglobulin G. Immunoglobulins are the antibodies found in our blood. Immune system uses them to identify and neutralize foreign objects, such as bacteria and viruses. IgG antibodies are found in everyone’s blood but at times these antibodies may start to react against food/ingredient(s) (more particularly, when the body is over-stuffed with the same ingredient(s)). That’s what may cause food allergies or delayed-onset food allergies or food intolerance in other words.

IgE mediated allergies are not to be confused with IgG mediated intolerances. An IgE allergy is a traditional "true" allergy which shows symptoms immediately, rather than delayed in the case of food intolerances.
2 What are the most common allergens?
We all have different level of food allergic reactions and intolerances. So, food allergens cannot be generalized rather are to be evaluated individually. ImuPro's studies suggest milk, dairy products and Cereals are among the top foods that trigger immunological reactions in majority.
3 Is Gluten incompatibility identical with Coeliac Disease?
No, not exactly. Coeliac Disease, also known as Sprue in adults, takes around 13 years to develop in its advanced stage. All 3 types of antibodies i.e. Gliadin (gluten), transglutaminase and endomysium antibodies are to be detected simultaneously for the diagnosis. Moreover, confirmation through a biopsy is also necessary.

Initially, the Coeliac Disease's (Sprue), symptoms may not be evident or specific. People who do not show any symptoms but already have antibodies to Gluten detected by ImuPro test, are more prone to develop the Coeliac Disease. Complete exclusion of Gluten from the diet is strictly recommended treatment of Coeliac Disease or gluten incompatibility.

4 In the case of a Gluten incompatibility, what food/ingredient(s) should be avoided?
Wheat, rye, barley, oats, kamut, spelt, wild rice and processed foodstuffs like bread, flour, biscuits, cakes, tarts, breaded food, pizza, noodles, malt and beer are to be avoided as they possess gluten.
5 How reliable is the ImuPro Test?
Highly! The ImuPro Test’s reliabilitycan be confirmed by over 100,000 performed tests with a satisfaction score of over 90%.

The ImuPro test uses the ELISA method which is a well-recognized procedure in laboratory analysis. The ImuPro findings are reliable and are subject to a regular re-examination by an independent quality control authority in laboratories across different countries.

In Kingdom, ImuPro is a registered dealer's product with the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA).

6 Where can I take the ImuPro Test in the Kingdom?
contactDirectly to arrange for the test to be done or you can also visit to hospital in contract with us. Names of hospitals can be seen in the (concerned link)
7 Will there be any chance of my blood serum being contaminated during transshipment to Germany?
No, prior to transshipment, the blood sample goes through a process called centrifuging that enables us to get the clear liquid serum from the blood which is separated from the blood solids. This serum is, basically, what is needed for ImuPro test. This serum can stay uncontaminated for up to seven days in room temperature and it can also be frozen for up to 6 months.
8 How I can be sure that I am intolerant to certain food(s)?
In such case, kindly go through our Self-Assessment Symptoms Check List available on our website before getting yourself tested for the ImuPro Test. For further guidance you can always contact us directly.
9 Can ImuPro Test detect my lactose intolerance?
Unfortunately, No. ImuPro cannot detect lactose intolerance because lactose intolerance is an entirely different deficiency from Type III food allergy to milk or dairy products. Lactose intolerance is an enzyme deficiency, not IgG meditated. You can be both Lactose intolerant and Type III intolerant to dairy products at the same time or you may have a lactose-intolerance but this does not decisively indicate dairy products intolerance in you.
10 I am lactose Intolerant and hence drink only lactose-free milk. My ImuPro test findings suggest I'm intolerant to cow's milk. Does this indicate a lactose-intolerance or of milk in general?
Since ImuPro test examines your sensitivity to the milk protein, so, it cannot detect lactose intolerance. Therefore, it only suggests you are intolerant to milk protein. Lactose intolerance, contrarily, is a disorder in absorption of milk sugar. Lactose-free milk has zero milk sugar but contains the normal amount of protein content. So, the ImuPro test only detects your incompatibility with the milk protein which by no way has anything to do with your lactose intolerance because you are sensitive to protein content in the milk.
11 Can the ImuPro Test identify if I am Salicylates or Amines Food intolerant?
No, it cannot as the ImuPro tests for IgG intolerances only. Salicylates and amine intolerances are not IgG meditated.
12 Should I take the Histamine Test instead of the ImuPro Test?
Consulting your personal medical practitioner for this is best as the nature, objective and results of both tests are quite different from each other. Or you may simply go for one at a time. If first test's findings doesn't satisfy you, you can go for the other.
13 Can I have the ImuPro Test even if I am on a restricted diet, currently?
Yes, you can. In fact, due to the restricted diet your reactions to the food/ingredient(s) avoided will be different.
14 Can the ImuPro Test be done on children or babies?
Yes, it can be done on children of age 1 year and above. In case the child is below 1 year of age, it is recommend that the mother be tested too as her antibodies may unintentionally pass to the child through breastfeeding.
15 Will my ImuPro Test results be affected if I am currently on Antibiotics?
A long course of antibiotics may affect the intestinal flora. Consequently, it can cause a higher number of reactions to be detected. Given, you are not taking any immunosuppressant drugs, your test findings will not be affected if you are currently on a short course of antibiotics.

To lessen any risk of your test results being affected, we would suggest that you inform your doctor if you are on antibiotics, before taking the ImuPro test.
16 My medical practitioner recently conducted a standard allergy test on me but I noticed the results of this test does not match with the findings from my ImuPro Test. Please tell me the reason?
It is simple because standard allergy tests (skin prick or scratch test for instance) examines the immediate reactions to ingested types. These are Classic Type I IgE allergies which are different from the IgG intolerances (delayed onset Type III allergy) which is the purpose of the ImuPro test..

The delayed food intolerance symptoms reveal between 8 and 72 hours after the consumption of the food or addictive you are sensitive to.
17 Do I need to retest regularly for Imupro once I have taken it?
No, not necessarily. However, if the symptoms re-surfaces (which is highly unlikely if you comply completely with the diet and rotational plan as instructed) you may require to repeat the ImuPro test.

If there is any need to retest, take at least a 2-yeargap from the date of your first ImuPro test.
18 My ImuPro test results shows that I reacted to the foods I don't eat. How is this possible?
Some foods belong to the same family, for example, potato, tomato and tobacco are all from nightshade family. Thus, related foods may often produce a similar immunological response.

At times, many recipes contain extracts from different food/ingredient(s) in a disguised way you might be allergic to and you can consume them in your meal unknowingly. Consequently, you can face the allergic reactions. For instance, you reacted to a food like soy, despite the fact you know that you didn't eat soy. This is because soy extracts are used in many recipes and you unknowingly consumed it which caused reaction.

Another possible reason is when a cross reaction occurs, which means that the antibodies recognize not only the antigen for which it was originally formed but also other antigens which belong to other food stuffs. This is possible because some foods have identical molecules even though they may not be directly related to each other. Cross reactions can even occur with environmental allergens which share a similar molecular construction to a certain food.
19 Is it ok to try a food that I have not been tested for?
All foods and additives that were excluded in the test analysis should be avoided during the first eight to 10 weeks after the ImuPro test.

It is suggested, you should not be trying more than one untested food at a time in your diet. So, it becomes easier to guess the ingredient that can cause reaction. If there are no reactions, then this new ingredient can then be added to your rotational diet.
20 Can complying with the rotation diet as per ImuPro Test finding cause proteins and vitamins deficiency?
No, at all. If the rotation diet is fully complied with, there are no chances for anything as such.
21 Do I have to give in to a sudden craving for a specific food?
It is an established medical fact that food intolerances and craving shave close links. When food craving is not surrendered, it usually subsides within three to five days and less likely to return.
22 While on ImuPro diet can I still eat sweets, snacks and biscuits?
Yes, you can! But you got to be sure there is no extracts from any food in a disguised way you are intolerant too. Enjoy your snacks care freely!
23 In case of diet that demands avoiding dairy products completely, will I not develop a calcium deficiency?
No, there are no chances as the milk alternatives that are included in your diet are calcium enriched (e.g. peas, lentils, broccoli and related crops). With these food items included in your diet you are not likely to become calcium deficient.

If you need increased amount of calcium intake, taking calcium in orthomolecular dose with meals is recommended.

24 What foodstuffs should be avoided if I'm sensitive to baker's yeast?
Ask the baker if the bakery product wished to be bought has been prepared using baker's yeast. There are many bakery items that are baked using baking ferment or sough dough which are commonly available and can serve the purpose as an alternative. Furthermore, baking powder (Cream of tartar) or better baking ferment can be good substitute for yeast.
25 I react to lemon. Does this mean I'm sensitive to citric acid and must avoid it?
No, not necessarily. Citric acid is produced chemically, thus, has different composition.
26 I react to vanilla. Should I avoid vanillin?
No, as vanillin is produced chemically, thus, has different composition.
27 Please suggest me the possible healthy alternatives for milk?
The following substitutes may be considered:
. Almond milk
. Cocoa milk
. Goat's milk and cheese
. Oat milk (provided you do not have gluten intolerance)
. Rice milk
. Sheep's milk and cheese
. Soybean milk

28 Why is the ImuPro rotation plan in the dietary recommendations for change of diet not according to the days of the week?
Such an arrangement will not leave any scope for likes or dislikes of each individual. Take for instance, if millet is rotated for your Wednesday, and you dislike millet or do not feel like eating millet on Wednesday. If you exchange the millet for another alternative weekday, you will be unable to keep to the rotation and you will have to rearrange the plan totally.
29 The first 12 weeks of my rotation diet plan are over. Where do I go from here?
You should continue with the rotation diet plan. After 12 weeks, the foodstuffs assessed with reaction class 1 and 2 may be progressively included into the rotation diet. However, for those foodstuffs that you have reactions categorised as 3 and 4, you must continue to avoid these foods.
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